SHORE EXCURSION: | A visit to Vergina |
Activity level | moderate |
Duration | 4 hours |
You will visit | Vergina |
You will see | Coastal road |
Shopping | time for shopping at the site |
The tour begins by bus from Thessaloniki following the National Road to reach the Royal Tombs of Vergina. The small village where refuges from Asia Minor settled down in 1923, became very famous in 1977-78 due to the discovery of the Royal Tombs by the prominent Greek Professor and Archaeologist Andronicos. It was known with the name Aigais, was the first capital of Ancient Macedonia until 400 BC, when transferred to Pella and was supposed to be the burial place of all Macedonian Kings.
The Ancient Macedonian Tumulus has been completely excavated and for the preservation of the Royal Tombs themselves a subterranean structure, having the appearance of an earth mound, was built in 1993 to encase and protect the ancient monuments by maintaining a constant temperature and humidity, both inseparable for the preservation of the wall paintings.
The subterranean burial ground houses the three most important Macedonian Tombs, one of them famous as the Tomb of King Philip the II, Father of Alexander the Great, decorated with their impressive, rich finds, which were transferred here from Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum in 1998 and give a complete picture of the magnificence and wealth of the tombs.
Make your way inside the subterranean structure, accompanied by your guide and feast your eyes on some of the most important objects, which once belonged to Philip II – the King’s shield adorned with ivory and gold, the King’s gold-trimmed iron breast plate, Gold Diadems of unparalleled craftsmanship, the Golden Wreath of oak leaves, the gold plated collar and the Silver Burial Ums. Listen carefully, as your guide explains how inside the tomb of King Philip, a Golden Chest was discovered, containing the King’s bones, washed with wine and wrapped in purple cloth.
Important Notes:
- This excursion will operate by coach and on foot.
- Note that all minors (those under 18) must be accompanied by an adult on shore excursions.
- The visit of the site is entirely on foot.
- Comfortable walking shoes, sunglasses and hats are recommended.
- Rest room facilities at the site.